Fill out this form to request:
- New Parent Accommodation
- Family Leave
This form must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the anticipated start of the leave. In the case of unanticipated and/or emergency family leave, please submit this form ASAP.
Review family-friendly policies for PhD students.
Family Leave Considerations
Student Loans: Students on Family Leave are not considered active students (enrolled at least half-time). If a student has borrowed student loans the grace period of their federal or institutional loan(s) may end during the period of leave. Students must complete loan exit counseling and establish a repayment schedule. Student loan borrowers need to contact SFS to set up loan counseling before taking leave:
Immigration Policies for International Students on leave: International PhD students are entitled to take Family Leave but must adhere to visa and immigration policies if choosing to do so. In certain cases, depending on visa and immigration status, students may be required to exit the United States while on leave. International students should contact their ISSS advisor before taking Family Leave to avoid any unplanned immigration issues. Students can also call ISSS directly and they'll connect you with an on-call advisor, (215) 898-4661.
If you have questions about the policies, the request form, or family-friendly resources please contact Jessica Bolker at